swami vivekananda quotes on education

Swami Vivekananda, the founder of the Vivekananda Hindu School in Vienna, said that education is the most important thing in a person’s life. He also believes that education should be based on truth and understanding. 

What is Education

Swami Vivekananda was a renowned Indian philosopher who had a profound impact on the education system in India. According to him, education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about developing the intellect and character of an individual. It is through education that one can attain true freedom and liberation.

Vivekananda believed that the ultimate aim of education is to help individuals realize their full potential and become self-reliant. He emphasized on imparting practical knowledge that can be applied in real-life situations rather than just theoretical concepts. Education should not only focus on academic excellence but also instill values like discipline, honesty, and compassion.

In today’s world, where there is cut-throat competition for success, Vivekananda’s views on holistic education are more relevant than ever before. His philosophy of educating the mind and heart has influenced generations of educators and students alike. True education is not just about getting good grades or a high-paying job but about becoming a responsible citizen who contributes positively to society while leading a fulfilling life. 

Swami Vivekananda said that education is the most important career a person can have.

Swami Vivekananda, the great Indian philosopher and spiritual leader, believed that education was not just a means to earn a livelihood but was also the key to enlightenment. He said that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but it is also about understanding oneself and one’s place in the world. Swami Vivekananda emphasized on holistic development of an individual through education.

According to Swami Vivekananda, education should be accessible to all individuals regardless of their background or financial status. He believed that education should be imparted in a way that it develops self-confidence, self-esteem and moral values in individuals. Swami Vivekananda encouraged people to educate themselves so they could rise above their circumstances and achieve success.

In conclusion, for Swami Vivekananda, education was not merely a career option but it was something more profound which could help people achieve personal growth as well as contribute positively towards society. His views on education are still relevant today and can guide us towards creating an educational system which focuses on the overall growth of an individual rather than just academic achievement.

Education should be tailored to the individual and not just what society tells them.

Swami Vivekananda, a renowned spiritual leader from India, believed that education should not be limited to what society thinks is necessary. According to him, education should be tailored to the individual’s needs and interests instead of being dictated by societal norms. He emphasized that each person has unique talents and abilities that need to be nurtured and developed.

In today’s world where conformity is often rewarded, Swami Vivekananda’s ideas on education provide an alternative perspective. Instead of following a one-size-fits-all approach to learning, personalized education can help individuals maximize their potential. This means that educators need to take into account students’ strengths, weaknesses, interests, and goals when designing educational programs.

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda’s views on education are still relevant today as they encourage us to think beyond conventional methods of teaching and learning. By personalizing education for each individual student based on their unique abilities and interests rather than simply conforming them into the mold of societal expectations we can create a brighter future where everyone can reach their full potential.

The best way to learn is by doing.

Swami Vivekananda, a prominent Indian philosopher and spiritual leader, once said that “education is not the amount of information that we put into our brain, but the sum total of everything that we have learned to do.” This quote underscores the importance of experiential learning or learning by doing. In his view, acquiring knowledge through practical application is more effective than simply memorizing facts and figures.

Many studies support this idea. Research has shown that hands-on learning leads to better retention rates and deeper understanding than passive forms of education. By actively engaging with material and seeing how it works in real-life situations, learners are better able to grasp concepts and apply them in other contexts.

Moreover, learning by doing can help build important skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication. These skills are essential for success in both academic and professional settings. Overall, Swami Vivekananda’s quote on education highlights the value of active participation in the learning process as a means of achieving true understanding and mastery.

Education should help people find their voice and use it to communicate with the world.

Swami Vivekananda, an Indian philosopher and spiritual leader, believed that education should be more than just acquiring knowledge. He emphasized the importance of helping individuals find their voice and use it to communicate with the world. In his words, “Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas.”

According to Vivekananda, education should empower individuals to express themselves confidently and effectively. It should encourage them to think critically and develop their own unique perspectives. This way, they can contribute meaningfully to society by sharing their ideas and insights.

In essence, education should not only impart skills and knowledge but also foster creativity and self-expression. It should enable individuals to discover their true potential and make a positive impact on the world around them. By helping people find their voice, education can serve as a powerful tool for personal growth as well as social change.

The best way to achieve success in life is to surround yourself with people who will help you achieve your goals.

Swami Vivekananda once said, “In a day, when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path.” This quote speaks to the importance of surrounding oneself with people who will challenge and support them in achieving their goals. Success is not achieved alone; it requires the help of others who can provide guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism.

Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and ambitions can also provide a sense of community and accountability. When one is held accountable for their actions by those around them, they are more likely to stay consistent in their efforts towards success. Additionally, being part of a supportive network can provide opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Overall, success is not solely defined by individual achievements but also by the collective efforts of those around us. By surrounding ourselves with people who will push us towards our goals and hold us accountable along the way, we can create an environment that fosters growth and achievement. Swami Vivekananda’s words remind us that challenges are inevitable on the path to success- but having a strong support system makes all the difference.


In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda believed that education should not be restricted to the accumulation of bookish knowledge; rather it should be an all-encompassing experience that enhances one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. He emphasized on the need for holistic education which would enable individuals to develop their personality in its entirety. According to him, true education is not about rote learning but about developing critical thinking skills and utilizing them for the betterment of society.

Furthermore, Swami Vivekananda stressed upon the importance of character building through education. He believed that a person’s morals and values are equally important as their intellectual growth. Education without a strong moral foundation can lead to disastrous consequences for both individuals and society at large. Therefore, he advocated for a value-based educational system that would instill ethical virtues such as honesty, compassion, and empathy in students.

In summary, Swami Vivekananda’s quotes on education are timeless reminders of what true education should entail. His teachings emphasize the importance of holistic development and character building through education. By incorporating these principles into our modern-day educational systems we can help create a more just and equitable world where every individual has access to quality education regardless of their socio-economic background or cultural identity. 

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